• 地球人大战火星人 第一季更新至8集
  • 剧情介绍
  • 本剧最后更新时间Our focus here is on attractive couple George (Rafe Spall) and Amy (Eleanor Tomlinson). Newly arrived in Woking, the London Evening Gazette journalist and amateur scientist hope their new surroundings will help them find peace. Georges decision to leave a loveless marriage with his cousin Lucy for the educated Amy has seen him shunned by polite society and estranged from his family. Even his formerly close brother, Frederick (Rupert Graves), a government official, now has no time for his sibling. This is a selfish, cruel pursuit that cannot help but bring forth the most unpleasant consequences, he hisses.   However, when six trawlers mysteriously disappear off the coast of Hull, its clear they are all facing far bigger problems. At first, the British government blame the Russian navy, but then meteorites begin landing around the countryside. One of them blazes a trail through Horsell Common, arousing the interest of both Amy and local astronomer Ogilvy (Robert Carlyle).   As locals begin gathering to gawk at the space debris, something strange begins to unfold. The meteorite rises, emitting a heat ray that kills everyone it touches. Naturally, panic ensues and the governments initial attempts to downplay the event quickly fall away as more and more reports of similar incidents across the land come in. It is though, only the beginning.


  • 6.0全42集小舍得宋佳,蒋欣,佟大为,张国立
  • 8.0第45集完结小敏家周迅,黄磊,唐艺昕,涂松岩,刘莉莉,秦海璐,韩童生,吴彼
  • 8.0完结卿卿日常白敬亭,田曦薇,陈小纭,刘冠麟,刘令姿,张晓晨,昌隆,刘美含,范帅琦,刘萌萌,魏子昕,陈紫函,赵柯,邱心志,王伊瑶,姬晓飞,汤梦佳,高曙光,喻恩泰,胡可,胡丹丹,侯长荣,王之一,王漪淼,姚一奇,孙爽,宋涵宇,李紫瑞,许涛,马昊,付磊,岳旸,李彧
  • 6.0全39集狂飙张译,张颂文,李一桐,张志坚,吴刚,倪大红,韩童生,李建义,石兆琪,李健,高叶,王骁,令卓,岳阳
  • 8.0第24集我可能遇到了救星曾舜晞,梁洁,周子寒,李霖霏
  • 9.0完结县委大院胡歌,吴越,张新成,黄磊,李光洁,刘涛,包贝尔,王骁,任程伟,尤勇智,宁文彤,房子斌,孙淳,朱雨辰,刘昊然,万茜,黄觉,黄尧,王砚辉,刘钧,王永泉,毛孩
  • 8.0已完结爱的二八定律杨幂,许凯,李泽锋,汤晶媚,王子璇,刘琳
  • 8.0完结雪中悍刀行张若昀,胡军,李庚希,刘端端,邱心志,田小洁,王天辰,张天爱
  • 8.040集全去有风的地方刘亦菲,李现,胡冰卿,牛骏峰,吴彦姝,董晴,范帅琦,马梦唯,赵子琪,马伯全,杨昆,崔奕,傅迦,张磊,郝文婷,赵培琳,李伟龙,涂松岩,郝平,龚蓓苾,姚安娜,史彭元,刘美含,焦刚,赵婧祎,徐子力,陈笑含,彭必瑶,王天宇,程媛媛,程子昕
  • 6.024集全初次爱你田曦薇,王星越,田栩宁,王家茵,崔绍阳,迟宁宁
  • 7.037集全点燃我温暖你陈飞宇,张婧仪,赵志伟,曾可妮,崔雨鑫,钱迪迪,姜梓新,马可
  • 6.032集全雷霆第一关宣萱,王喜,汪明荃,李修贤,吴美珩

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